Tuesday, October 25, 2011

MY Texas Rangers are 1 win away from winning the #WorldSeries

Ahh, here he is, my new love. I told my husband this morning that I love Mike Napoli and he said, "is he is on your 'to do' list"? (don't judge me! You know you've got a 'to do' list!) I told him 'no, I just love Mike Napoli'. He was traded to the Texas Rangers this year as a new catcher. I just learned today (no, I don't pay THAT close attention at the beginning of the season to who's traded) that no one wanted him after last year. The Angels traded him to Toronto, who traded him to Texas. I'm so happy they did.
Without Mike Napoli this post season would be a lot less entertaining, that's for sure. And a lot less fruitful. As of right now, Tuesday night at 11:03pm, Texas is 1 win away from winning the World Series. 1 win! There is still 2 games left for them to do it in, against the Cardinals, in the Cardinals home stadium.
I'm hoping there is only 1 more game.
I'll be sitting in front of my
tv watching and cheering and likely biting
my lower lip until the last strike    is thrown.
So....GO RANGERS!! I have faith in you. Bring it home!!

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