Thursday, October 13, 2011

I hate mean

See that face? That's a mean face. I hate mean. I don't understand why people have to be mean? I was reading something online yesterday and it was all mean, someone putting someone else down. Ok, it was done in anonymity so I guess no one was hurt by it but it just spews negativity and that bothers me. No, it wasn't kids or teens, it was by an adult.
Some may call me naive but I've always lived a 'do unto others as you would have others do unto you' kind of life. I'm not saying I have always come out on top because, unfortunately it's the loud obnoxious people that rise to the top. I won't change though.
I live with 4 males (hubby, 20 yr old, 17 yr old and 12 yr old) and they do mean very well, especially at each other. My oldest son loves to watch the celebrity roasts on Comedy Central. I will admit that I have watched a couple with him but they are just mean. Why is it funny to put someone else down? Why is it funny to make someone else feel bad about something they have done in the past? I don't get it.
My daughter (21 yrs old) tells me I'm too nice for my own good sometimes, especially when I offered a helping hand to my husband's sick ex-wife and then found out she still talks trash about me. Oh well. I've lived 43 years like this so I doubt I'll change now.
Take this thought with you today......don't be mean. Smile. It'll make you feel better.

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