Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Have the 2nd Talk with Poise #PoiseFab5
Do these items looks familiar to you? They didn't to me either until I went to the Walmart website one day and saw up in the corner a link for Poise and the 2nd Talk. What the heck was the 2nd Talk? Hang on to your seats, or rather your fans, it was about menopause. Yes, the nasty M word that my husband finds funny to taunt me with whenever I'm hot I'm taking off clothes and everyone else is putting a sweater on. I HATE hot flashes. Absolutely H.A.T.E. them and finding something that might help me with that could possibly make a big difference in my life. Yes, that might sound melodramatic, but it's true. I don't get flashes, I get hot hours....ugh!
I called my mother, who went through menopause late in life because she had a hysterectomy close to 20 years ago and was put on hormone replacement therapy. She was just taken off of them a couple of years ago and her hot flashes were so bad that she would break out in a sweat, a dripping sweat. I called to tell her about these items and she immediately went to Walmart to find them. She couldn't find all of the items but she found the towelettes and the roll on and, let me tell you, is spreading the word like crazy.
September was menopause awareness month and I learned a lot from the Poise website with the 2nd talk information on it. Please do yourself a favor and take a look too.
So, when I went to Walmart I was able to use the coupon I found on the Walmart website when I looked at videos about the ladies pictured above.
Out of the five of these items, the Body Cooling Towelettes was definitely the winner, by a long shot.
I was able to talk to my husband, who was interested about this subject, believe it or not, and he was able to understand what I'm going through a bit more, which was nice.
There are a number of places you can get more information too. Take a look at the following places....
Of course there was a coupon in the September issue of All You magazine but I forgot about it. I read on the Poise site that forgetfulness is a symptom of menopause. Thank goodness. I honestly thought I was going crazy!
Disclosure: I am a member of the Collective Bias Social Fabric Community. This shop has been compensated as a part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias and Poise. #CBias #SocialFabric #PoiseFab5. All the opinions are completely my own.
Friday, June 1, 2012
Graduating one life, starting a new one
Drew is a good kid. That's the best way I can describe him. He's a good kid. He would do anything for you and never complain (not to your face anyway).
He already has a job and has for about a month now and is already loved by all the people he works with. Is college in his future? I'm not sure. He's always struggled with what to do next but he loves his job so to him, that might be the answer. Whatever he chooses I will be there to support him.
So now I have 3 kids who've graduated and one entering the 8th grade in the fall. 3 down, 1 to go.
The 2 in the middle are my boys. The 2 on the outside call me mom and 'me madre' so I'll 'own' all 4 of them as mine. It's a good time to for me to be a mom!
Congradulations Drew!!
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Family movie night with We Bought a Zoo #CBias #iLovemyK9
Once or twice a month I will rent a movie at Blockbuster or from the pay per view channels on my tv. This time I decided to do things a bit differently. I had to go to Walmart to pick up a few things, including something 'yummy' for my son, and saw the movie "We Bought a Zoo" as soon as I walked in the door. The other day when I was at Walmart buying dog food cat food I saw a 'get $4 off the movie 'We Bought a Zoo' when you buy 2 specially marked packs of dog treats'. I bought those dog treats and kept the coupon. The movie was on sale for $14 something and with the coupon I had it would only be a little over $10. When I rent a movie on ppv it costs $5 so, I thought 'what the heck' and bought it.
(Just so you know, there was a $1.25 coupon on these dog treats on coupons dot com if you want to check that out.) As I said, I also had to buy something 'yummy' for my son (his word) so I thought, instead of getting something 'junky' I would look to see what kind of fruit I could find in the canned fruit aisle because I had a coupon for fruit cups. Oh my gosh. I had no idea Del Monte had so many different kinds of fruit cups, and canned fruit. I bought some fruit salad for him, and everyone else.
So, over the past few days I bought treats for everyone in my zoo. My dogs got @PupPeroni and Milo's Kitchen pet treats and @KibblesnBits dog food, my cats got @MeowMix, cat food and my family got fruit from @DelMonteFoods.
My cats and dogs ate their treats and we got ready to watch our movie. They had no school so everyone was home. (the kids that is, not the animals)
Now it's time to watch the movie. The kids sat on the couch with their bowls of Del Monte fruit salad. Keep in mind that my kids range in age from 21 to 12 so it's hard to get a movie that they will all like and that I will like too.
This movie seemed to make us all happy. For me it had enough romance, laughs and Matt Damon. My youngest son thought it had a lot of funny parts in it. My oldest son, well, let's just say he said Scarlett Johansson isn't hard to look at. My daughter really liked it too. She doesn't often sit with us and watch whole movie but she did for this one.

Here is Matt Damon in a scene close to the beginning, but I don't want to ruin anything for you, so I won't include any more than this one. He was having an arguement with his son, hello! Who hasn't done that? I really did like it though and my 12 year old has already watched it again so it made it worth it for me to buy it using the coupon.
A couple things you might want to know......
You can get a coupon for Del Monte fruit cups in the month's issue of First for Women.
If you look in Parade Magazine or Woman's World you can see Del Monte products featured along side this great movie.
This shop has been compensated at part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias #CBias but all the pictures and opinions are completely my own.
If you want to see more of my shop for these great products click here for my Google+ story.
Some Facebook links for you:
Del Monte foods
Kibbles 'n Bits
(Just so you know, there was a $1.25 coupon on these dog treats on coupons dot com if you want to check that out.) As I said, I also had to buy something 'yummy' for my son (his word) so I thought, instead of getting something 'junky' I would look to see what kind of fruit I could find in the canned fruit aisle because I had a coupon for fruit cups. Oh my gosh. I had no idea Del Monte had so many different kinds of fruit cups, and canned fruit. I bought some fruit salad for him, and everyone else.
So, over the past few days I bought treats for everyone in my zoo. My dogs got @PupPeroni and Milo's Kitchen pet treats and @KibblesnBits dog food, my cats got @MeowMix, cat food and my family got fruit from @DelMonteFoods.
My cats and dogs ate their treats and we got ready to watch our movie. They had no school so everyone was home. (the kids that is, not the animals)
Now it's time to watch the movie. The kids sat on the couch with their bowls of Del Monte fruit salad. Keep in mind that my kids range in age from 21 to 12 so it's hard to get a movie that they will all like and that I will like too.
This movie seemed to make us all happy. For me it had enough romance, laughs and Matt Damon. My youngest son thought it had a lot of funny parts in it. My oldest son, well, let's just say he said Scarlett Johansson isn't hard to look at. My daughter really liked it too. She doesn't often sit with us and watch whole movie but she did for this one.
Here is Matt Damon in a scene close to the beginning, but I don't want to ruin anything for you, so I won't include any more than this one. He was having an arguement with his son, hello! Who hasn't done that? I really did like it though and my 12 year old has already watched it again so it made it worth it for me to buy it using the coupon.
A couple things you might want to know......
You can get a coupon for Del Monte fruit cups in the month's issue of First for Women.
If you look in Parade Magazine or Woman's World you can see Del Monte products featured along side this great movie.
This shop has been compensated at part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias #CBias but all the pictures and opinions are completely my own.
If you want to see more of my shop for these great products click here for my Google+ story.
Some Facebook links for you:
Del Monte foods
Kibbles 'n Bits
Friday, March 23, 2012
Adding to Paypal using Coinstar #CBias #PayPalCoinstar
I have a PayPal account that I use for my Etsy store and Ebay transactions, and my kids each have a student PayPal card that I can add funds too when they're out and about and need a few extra dollars and don't want to carry cash (or just need an extra shirt as far as my daughter is concerned!)
This is what the receipt looks like and it has all the totals on the bottom of it, including the minimal charge it did take off for the service fee. I did think that it was cool how it told how many of each coin there was. I don't know why exactly, but I just thought it was cool.
It even thanked me for using it, how polite! lol
I didn't pick up a lot of things at the store today as my main objective was to convert coins into cash, but let me tell you, I can do some damage in this store. The fact that they know me by name or as 'the coupon lady' should be enough to let know that I'm in here a lot!
Now, I do have to say, this is the first time I saw this 'Coming Soon' Brookshire's kiosk. It said it was for in store benefits and has a place to slide your card. I'm a saver, so I'm very excited about this.
You can get more information about the Coinstar Kiosks in your area by visiting the Coinstar Facebook page or the Coinstar Twitter page. There is also a PayPal Facebook page and a PayPal Twitter page too if you want to check them out.
I made a Google+ photo album of my busy day too if you want to check it out. There is a lot of pictures on there from Brookshire's and the Coinstar PayPal kiosk and all the running around we did, including going to the DMV. Check that out here.
I have been paid (at Coinstar's request to try and blog about Coinstar's products/services as part of a Collective Bias shopper insights study. All opinions are my own.
Friday, February 24, 2012
Dry eyes and Granny glasses
You know the commercials on tv that talk about dry eyes and how your eyes can't make enough tears? Well, for some reason, and I'm honestly not sure why, I've made fun of those for a long time. Looks like karma's a bugger! I went to the eye doctor for the first time in about 15 years because my eyes hurt all the time and I had trouble focusing after crocheting or doing something close up. And, you guessed it, I have dry eyes. All this time I thought it was allergies. I've been taking allergy medications for years now thinking I had seasonal allergies (all year long), not going on my computer as much in the past 6 months because it just hurt my eyes too much (must be my eyes getting bad, right?) and all this time I had dry eyes.
Not only do I have dry eyes but I need bifocals. Bifocals!?! But I'm 43 years old, I'm not an old lady, am I? Only old people need bifocals...right? Well, I guess after the age of 40 (don't you love how everything really starts falling apart at 40?) the muscles in your eyes start to relax and if you are doing something up close it's harder for the eye muscles to refocus. So, she told me, I won't need glasses for driving but for home I will.
So she gave me my glasses prescription and wrote down something that would be good for my dry eyes and off I went. I ordered my glasses online (no, I can't even pay full price for glasses. I found a discount website, let's just hope they look alright and I can see out of them alright) and I went to CVS and bought Refresh Liquigel drops. Who knew that simple eye drops would change my life??
Ok, have you ever seen the episode of friends where Rachel needs eyes drops and they all have to tackle her to put the drops in her eyes? Well, I'm not too far off from that. My daughter has to hold my eye open and plop the drops in while I try to close my eye and whine the whole time (don't judge me!). And with the very first drops that went into my eyes it's a different world. I can actually go on the computer without feeling like my eye balls are going to fall out. My eyes aren't burning and itchy anymore. I don't feel like I need to nap all the time because my eyes hurt and are tired feeling. I'm absolutely amazed something this simple is the 'cure' to my eyes. I'm amazed.
So, the moral of the story is, I should make fun of people winning the lottery and maybe I'll win it too!
Not only do I have dry eyes but I need bifocals. Bifocals!?! But I'm 43 years old, I'm not an old lady, am I? Only old people need bifocals...right? Well, I guess after the age of 40 (don't you love how everything really starts falling apart at 40?) the muscles in your eyes start to relax and if you are doing something up close it's harder for the eye muscles to refocus. So, she told me, I won't need glasses for driving but for home I will.
Ok, have you ever seen the episode of friends where Rachel needs eyes drops and they all have to tackle her to put the drops in her eyes? Well, I'm not too far off from that. My daughter has to hold my eye open and plop the drops in while I try to close my eye and whine the whole time (don't judge me!). And with the very first drops that went into my eyes it's a different world. I can actually go on the computer without feeling like my eye balls are going to fall out. My eyes aren't burning and itchy anymore. I don't feel like I need to nap all the time because my eyes hurt and are tired feeling. I'm absolutely amazed something this simple is the 'cure' to my eyes. I'm amazed.
So, the moral of the story is, I should make fun of people winning the lottery and maybe I'll win it too!
Monday, February 13, 2012
International Delight #IcedCoffee tasting party
Ok, while writing this I just had to try the Original and I have to agree with my daughter (please, let's keep that between us!). It is the best one, in my opinion. It takes more like coffee than the others. Very good.
(I wanted to add a bunch of pictures to this post but Blogger is giving me a hard time. I will post them at the end of this post so please scroll to the bottom)
Have you even heard of these drinks before? I hadn't but I'm so glad I did. They're so yummy. You can get more information on International Delights and this Iced Coffee sing the following links...
Website: http://internationaldelight.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/indelight
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/InternationalDelight
Also, click here to see my Google+ shop trying to find this #icedcoffee
This shop has been compensated part of a social shoppers insight study for Collective Bias #CBias but all photos and opinions and tasting, was my own.
Thursday, February 2, 2012
International Delight #IcedCoffee Hour Twitter Party 2/9
RSVP here for the #icedcoffee Twitter Party!
There will be (3) $25 Walmart Gift Cards and (1) $100 Walmart Gift Card up for grabs! Take a coffee break and enjoy some #icedcoffee!
There will be (3) $25 Walmart Gift Cards and (1) $100 Walmart Gift Card up for grabs! Take a coffee break and enjoy some #icedcoffee!
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Frosted Toast Crunch cereal giveaway Winner! #MyBlogSpark
Thanks to everyone who entered the Frosted Toast Crunch Giveaway. The winner is Teresa. I sent you and email Teresa but if you don't get it please contact me at lisaandjamesharris@att.net.
Thanks to all who entered.
Thanks to all who entered.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Pillsbury $1.10/3 coupon

Click here for your coupon!
Thanks to #MyBlogSpark and Pillsbury for sharing such a great coupon!
Monday, January 23, 2012
Progresso soup Giveaway from #MyBlogSpark
For the record, I love Progresso soups. I have at least 10 cans of the Light Progresso soup in my pantry right now. I'm trying to lose weight right now (who isn't?) so this makes a great lunch for me. It is actually something that fills me up, which I love! Below you will find some information about Progresso sent to me from #MyBlogSpark. Be sure to scroll to the bottom to read about a giveaway.
Monday, January 16, 2012
Day 1 of 365
I have decided that today is the first day of my online diary, vlog, whatever you want to call it. I'm to make a video everyday and post it to Youtube and also embed it here on my blog. Who knows what I will talk about, but family, weight loss, health, etc is sure to be involved.
So now, without further adieu, here is day 1 of 365........
So now, without further adieu, here is day 1 of 365........
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Chap Stick $.25 coupon
Ok, one might say I have a bit of a Chap Stick addiction, I call it Chap Stick love. I have one in my purse, one in my craft basket, one on my bedside table and one in my car, just in case. To see a rare Chap Stick coupon makes me very, very happy. I'm going to print 2, you should too before they're gone!
Thanks to BeCentsible for this great coupon alert!
Thanks to BeCentsible for this great coupon alert!
White Cloud $2 coupon
There is almost nothing better in the coupon world than a high dollar toilet paper coupon. Here is one for $2 off White Cloud, which is available only at Walmart. I'm going to print mine out and head over there today!
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Frosted Toast Crunch cereal giveaway #MyBlogSpark
I recently purchased this new cereal for my son because he's a fan of the 'Toast Crunch' cereals. It's new and he likes to try new things so I wasn't afraid of that, what I was afraid of was that this box of cereal didn't stand a chance and would be gone in the blink of the eye as soon as the other kids found out about it. I was right. He loved it. And the box was gone that same night after my other kids heard about it.
The main taste of this cereal is vanilla and I tried some without milk and even liked it. It is available in stores now and I highly recommend getting some. If your kids like Cinnamon Toast Crunch they will love this one too.
With 11 grams of whole grain, 9 grams of sugar and a good source of calcium, Frosted Toast Crunch offers a good start to the day.
Doesn't this prize pack look great? I got one and my son won't eat out of any other bowl anymore, it's crazy. You can win this prize pack (provided by MyBlogSpark), it's so easy.
Just follow me on Twitter @etxsaver and tweet about this giveaway and you will be entered. Leave a comment below with a link to your tweet below. You can get another entry by following me and posting about this giveaway on Facebook. Don't forget to leave a link below in the comment section. You can tweet and facebook once a day, just remember to come back here to leave a link in the comment section. When tweeting please be sure to use the hashtag #MyBlogSpark.
Giveaway ends January 22, 2012 at 11:59pm CST
For more information take a look at the General Mill’s Website: http://bit.ly/FrostedTC .
Disclosure: Frosted Toast Crunch, information, and giveaway have been provided by General Mills through MyBlogSpark.
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