Friday, February 24, 2012

Dry eyes and Granny glasses

You know the commercials on tv that talk about dry eyes and how your eyes can't make enough tears? Well, for some reason, and I'm honestly not sure why, I've made fun of those for a long time. Looks like karma's a bugger! I went to the eye doctor for the first time in about 15 years because my eyes hurt all the time and I had trouble focusing after crocheting or doing something close up. And, you guessed it, I have dry eyes. All this time I thought it was allergies. I've been taking allergy medications for years now thinking I had seasonal allergies (all year long), not going on my computer as much in the past 6 months because it just hurt my eyes too much (must be my eyes getting bad, right?) and all this time I had dry eyes.
Not only do I have dry eyes but I need bifocals. Bifocals!?! But I'm 43 years old, I'm not an old lady, am I? Only old people need bifocals...right? Well, I guess after the age of 40 (don't you love how everything really starts falling apart at 40?) the muscles in your eyes start to relax and if you are doing something up close it's harder for the eye muscles to refocus. So, she told me, I won't need glasses for driving but for home I will.
So she gave me my glasses prescription and wrote down something that would be good for my dry eyes and off I went. I ordered my glasses online (no, I can't even pay full price for glasses. I found a discount website, let's just hope they look alright and I can see out of them alright) and I went to CVS and bought Refresh Liquigel drops. Who knew that simple eye drops would change my life??
Ok, have you ever seen the episode of friends where Rachel needs eyes drops and they all have to tackle her to put the drops in her eyes? Well, I'm not too far off from that. My daughter has to hold my eye open and plop the drops in while I try to close my eye and whine the whole time (don't judge me!). And with the very first drops that went into my eyes it's a different world. I can actually go on the computer without feeling like my eye balls are going to fall out. My eyes aren't burning and itchy anymore. I don't feel like I need to nap all the time because my eyes hurt and are tired feeling. I'm absolutely amazed something this simple is the 'cure' to my eyes. I'm amazed.
So, the moral of the story is, I should make fun of people winning the lottery and maybe I'll win it too!

Monday, February 13, 2012

International Delight #IcedCoffee tasting party

Well, to be honest with you, I had a bugger of a time trying to find this International Delights #IcedCoffee. First I thought it would be with the creamer but couldn't find it there. Then I thought it was a mix so I looked at the coffee aisle but it wasn't there. Finally I found it by chocolate milk, which, I thought, was a funny place for it, but I was glad to find it.I had heard so much about this stuff and I really wanted to try it and trust me, it was worth the search. When I finally found it I could only find the Vanilla variety so I brought them home along with a couple of International Delights creamers for my morning coffee. I thought it might be fun to have a few friends over to try it so I made plans to do so but it fell through at the last minute so it was just me and my family enjoying it.....which we did!

Yesterday I happened to take a look at Walmart again to see if I could find any different kinds and I did! I was happy. I bought one Mocha, one Original and one more Vanilla. Of course, the second I walked through the door everyone was on my heels to have a glass of it, even my 12 year old son! His favorite was the Mocha...surprise, surprise. My daughter says she thinks the Original is far and away the best, which surprised me quite a bit. She said "Oh my gosh, mom. You have GOT to try this kind. It's amazing!" I have not tried that kind yet because I'm just in love with the Vanilla it's hard to switch. Hubby said the Vanilla was his favorite, which isn't a surprise seeing how he just loves Starbucks French Vanilla drinks. He did say he could drink this International Delights #icedcoffee instead of Starbucks because he liked it that much.
Ok, while writing this I just had to try the Original and I have to agree with my daughter (please, let's keep that between us!). It is the best one, in my opinion. It takes more like coffee than the others. Very good.
(I wanted to add a bunch of pictures to this post but Blogger is giving me a hard time. I will post them at the end of this post so please scroll to the bottom)
Have you even heard of these drinks before? I hadn't but I'm so glad I did. They're so yummy.  You can get more information on International Delights and this Iced Coffee sing the following links...
 Also, click here to see my Google+ shop trying to find this #icedcoffee

This shop has been compensated part of a social shoppers insight study for Collective Bias #CBias but all photos and opinions and tasting, was my own.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

International Delight #IcedCoffee Hour Twitter Party 2/9

RSVP here for the #icedcoffee Twitter Party!

There will be (3) $25 Walmart Gift Cards and (1) $100 Walmart Gift Card up for grabs! Take a coffee break and enjoy some #icedcoffee!