I must admit, I'm a bit obsessed with oral hygiene. When I was a teenager I had braces for 3 years (minus 2 weeks) and learned then how important it was to take care of my teeth and how much of an impression your smile can make. When I had kids I started taking them to the dentist when they about 3 and in doing that I was able to avoid braces for my daughter as a teenager with a simple procedure when she was 7.
I have three kids and it's true, that all kids are different. My older two children (19 and 20) were always good and obliging when it came to brushing their teeth. My third child (12) fights me every step of the way though. It's almost as if I'm asking him put a wire barbecue brush with acid on it, into his mouth every morning and night.
I've tried different toothpastes (kids flavors or non kid flavors), different toothbrushes (battery charged, manual) but nothing seems to work so I guess it will just remain a struggle. He is going to need braces, big time so that's something I'm not looking forward to money wise, that's for sure. Not to mention how 'fun' it's going to be to make sure he cleans them well enough every day.
Just this past weekend I was able to go to Walmart in Dallas and take a look at what is called 'Colgate Building Smiles Tour'. It's an RV turned into a dental screening station for children 12 and under that is travelling to different Walmarts all across the country this summer. Unfortunately I didn't bring my 12 year old with me so I wasn't able to use the offering but I did talk to the women inside and I was also able to take some pictures (as shown below in my 'ThisMoment' slide show). The woman I was talking to said earlier in the day she had a young girl who was very afraid, even of the dentist chair, so they were able to check her teeth as she stood up. I thought that was nice that they could accommodate someone like that.
The inside of the RV was very nicely decorated for children, especially young children. There were colorful pictures, smiley faces, stuffed animals, even a tv playing cartoons on it in a waiting area. I wish I had young children to bring to it. It was a great rolling dentist office. She even game me some Colgate coupons (as everyone knows, I love coupons!!) as well as some info about going to their website for more info (as you can see in my 'ThisMoment' slide show below).
If you can find it in your area I highly suggest going to check this out, with your child 12 and under, for some good information and dental hygiene tips as well as a dental screening. A lot of good information, I promise. I was impressed. Here is a link with the places this will be this summer....click here.

Colgate #buildingsmiles tour in Dallas by Lisa Harris
Disclosure: This post has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for #CollectiveBias but all the opinions are my own.