How do all of you ladies out there do it? I have such a hard time balancing everything. I have a tendency to go head first into something but then other things suffer.
I have so many great coupon/money saving blogs (you can find of them listed in my blogroll) that I visit everyday that it's hard for me to keep this one up to par with theirs. I think 'what in the world do I have to say that everyone else has not'? 'What would make mine special or different'? It's a tough question for myself to answer.
Not only that but I've been trying to get back on track with my weight loss. I started about a year ago and was able to lose 62 lbs by Halloween. Then the holidays hit and I totally went off my daily meal plan (that I had made for myself, not something premade by a diet company) and left my exercise by the wayside. Now I've gained back 20 lbs and am really kicking myself. Today I've kind of decided to really get back into the swing of things and have started to track my food again using the website Spark People. Now to get off my butt to exercise. I also help run a group on SP called 'Crochet the Pounds Away'.
I'm a stay at home mom so I do feel it's my job to try save as much money as I can for my household while my husband works so hard to bring the money into the house.
So...blogging, weight loss, researching money savings and coupons, running the challenges for a weight loss group, kids out of school at the end of the week (15 yob, 10 yob, almost 18 yob, almost 19 yog), my son's high school graduation on the weekend......phew! Where do you all find the time????
I will wait for your input while I pull my hair out!!
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