Drew is a good kid. That's the best way I can describe him. He's a good kid. He would do anything for you and never complain (not to your face anyway).
He already has a job and has for about a month now and is already loved by all the people he works with. Is college in his future? I'm not sure. He's always struggled with what to do next but he loves his job so to him, that might be the answer. Whatever he chooses I will be there to support him.
So now I have 3 kids who've graduated and one entering the 8th grade in the fall. 3 down, 1 to go.
The 2 in the middle are my boys. The 2 on the outside call me mom and 'me madre' so I'll 'own' all 4 of them as mine. It's a good time to for me to be a mom!
Congradulations Drew!!