As soon as I walked in I knew it was going to be my kind of place. "Ooh, let me see your set up" one woman when she saw my coupon binder. She was impressed...thank you very much. When I told her this was my first
Kroger trip she asked how that was possible until I told where I lived. "Ah, East Texas. Well I hope it's worth the drive for you." (Just for the record, I didn't drive 40 miles just to go to Kroger in Mesquite. Hubby had to go get some dress clothes for work so we had to go anyway.)
Hubby went in and got our Kroger card while I started shopping. It wasn't that different from
Brookshire's, which is my local store, but the couponing was. You see,
Brookshire's only accepts IP coupons up to $1.99 and you cannot get anything for free using them so you can't even use a bogo coupon. I know, sucks. But Kroger doesn't have those restrictions.
They had some good sales that I was able use coupons with. The one thing I was really after was the Smithfield Bacon, which I have 4 $3 coupons for but they didn't carry it. No one seems to carry it except Brookshire's, where I can't use the q. I swear! I couldn't really buy anything frozen either because of the heat and the 45 minute drive, it would have melted so I didn't even bother to go down the frozen foods and ice cream isles.
Ok, for some totals. Before coupons and Kroger savings my total was $119.60. After coupons and Kroger savings my total was $37.57...a savings of 69%. I was impressed.
The employees there were very friendly and very coupon friendly. At Brookshire's, at times, if you don't get the right cashier, they tend to treat you like you're trying to pull one over on them by using a coupon. I've learned which cashier's to avoid though so I don't have to go through that. I'm glad I went to
Kroger this weekend, I just wish I could have have when they had the big doubler day a couple of weeks ago.
I still have to go to Brookshire's today though to snag some Ball Park franks for $.75 after coupons and some Tidy Cats cat litter for $2.50 after coupon. I'll combine that with my
CVS run.
I will return to Kroger but I don't think making a special trip to go there is quite worth it. Then again, making the special trip when it starts getting cooler out might be worth it, especially if I just HAVE to go to the mall for something, which is always a good thing. I got a pair of shoes at
Payless with the BOGO event and hubby got a pair for work. And my daughter was able to find 'the perfect' purse for 75% off...and it was still $40 so she was thrilled with that while me and hubby were thrilled with the savings. All in all it was a good shopping & savings day.